miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2011

the Battles of Lexington and Concord

In 1775 dispute started between british and colonists. Thomas Gage was a military commander and was named as the Massachusetts. The battles of Lexington and Concord took place on April 19 1775. Gage provoce the battles by sending troops to arrest John Hands and Samuel Adams. Troops were ordered to seized weapons At Concord. Paul Revere was in charge to advice if the troops were near to drive them out of Lexington. About 70 patriots marched downtown. The red coats were ask to disperse as they did someone ran on fire and killed 8 patriots. this shot was said it was heard all over the world. Red coats were marching to conquer. when they on their way to Boston the ran with a surprise; hundreds of militia attacked them

viernes, 18 de febrero de 2011

Intolerable Acts

The colonists filled anger with the closing of the boards. If they didnt obey they will take them to england to get a justice trial that was called the administration of justice act. Every soldier that committed a flaw will be trial in England. The purpose of the Quebec act took away land of the colonies. The colonists rejected that the british could shut down the trade and do whatever they wanted with their government. People acted violently. Nobody could work for the gorvernment or speaking in favor of it.  

The Boston Tea Party

Parliament kept taxing on tea. Therefore colonists stop buying british tea. So they start buying Dutch tea. This boycott brought financial trouble. British East India company start facing financial issues. due to this parliament passed a new law that stated that shipment will get directly helping decreasing taxes and making tea more affordable. Even though the colonists did not wanted to buy it still. They thought that if they started buying British tea it will lead to jeopardy. On one night the Boston patriot took over the situation by dressing as indians and boarded 3 boats that just arrived, also they throw the tea into the harbor.

viernes, 4 de febrero de 2011

Colonial Protests Intesify

Colonist resisted taxes, the colonist protested in three different forms such as intelectual protest, economic boycotts and violent intimidations this make the british force to backdown. The colonial leaders wrote pamplets, drafted resolutions, gave speeches and delivered sermons. This new surge in political activities astonished a man called John Adams, who was a prominent laywer from Massachussetts.The colonists also protested by throwing stones,destroying merchandise scream at them and making riots. In Boston they protested with The Boston tea party where colonists dressed up as indians and threw tea into the harbor, due ti the increase of taxes.

Taxation Without Representation

Colonist protested  the stamp act. They said it threatened their prosperity. Colonial leaders started questioning the parliament. Colonial leaders said that the parliament had no right to tax them. Colonists also believed that if they accepted this taxes the parliament will start taxing them more and more. Also colonist thought the stamp act was a conspiracy to destroy the colonies. They thought it was unfair to pay taxes because they did not have the right to vote. Parliament said the colonist were selfish and narrow minded. The British empire needed  money so thats why they started taxing colonies.